• Price:1,980 Yen
  • Softcover:88 pages
  • Language:Japanese and English
  • Dimensions:(W/H)210㎜/297㎜
  • Date of Issue:Sep/1/2024
  • Item No.:A5151

Takahashi Setsuro Art Museum of Azumino × Sogetsu Ikabana works embodying Azumino’s autumn, crafted by Teshigahara Akane

Ikabana works embodying Azumino’s autumn, crafted by Teshigahara Akane
The Azumino region stretches out at the foot of the majestic Northern Alps in Japan.
When the leaves of the trees transform into a myriad of colors, the Iemoto meticulously crafted her ikebana masterpieces brimming with profound emotion within the elegantly poised museum and birthplace of the renowned lacquer artist Takahashi Setsuro.

Sogetsu Ikebana Exhibition Flower Scherzo[Photos of all the bamboo works exhibited are in its pages!]

Between June 12 and June 27, 2024, the Sogetsu I k e b a n a E x h i b i t i o n “Flower Scherzo” dazzled audiences at the Sogetsu Kaikan. A “scherzo” is a term used in music to describe a piece that combines humor, derived from the Italian word for “joke.” This exhibition displayed ikebana creations that were not only spontaneous and exciting but also integrated the iconic “bamboo” that has become inseparable from the Sogetsu style.

Chrysanthemum for Ikebana

Chrysanthemum is an iconic flower in Japan, along with the flowering cherry. We can find a wide variety of different types of chrysanthemums these days including large and gorgeous imported types that resemble dahlias as well as those in chic color shades. It is becoming popular as one of the essential ornamental flowers. Why not find chrysanthemums of your choice and include them in your ikebana?

Teshigahara Sofu's Kadensho

Teshigahara Sofu’s Kadensho, found in his book Watashi no Hana (My Flowers), published by Kodansha International in 1966, embodies the quintessence of Sogetsu, a creative philosophy that captures the essence of ikebana.As we continue to take significant strides towards our upcoming 100th anniversary, now is the perfect occasion to reconnect with the spirit of our beginnings and explore the origin of creation through a thorough examination of this publication.


Teshigahara Akane Her Words and Works

  • A mindset of persistently seeking
  • Takahashi Setsuro Art Museum of Azumino × Sogetsu
    Ikabana works embodying Azumino’s autumn, crafted by Teshigahara Akane
  • Sogetsu Ikebana Exhibition Flower Scherzo

Ikebanists of Sogetsu

  • Chrysanthemum for Ikebana
    Kato Kumiko, Ishikura Shosei, Fukushima Koka, Takenaka Reiko, Takagi Suisen, Sawada Koei
  • Exhibition report
  • Flowers in profusion [Autumn]
    Katayama Ken, Sekita Ikuen, Isono Gaho, Shinozaki Junga, Akiyama Miharu, Ishikawa Misei, Mori Sairin, Katayama Koso


  • Artist Interview with Teshigahara Kiri : Tomozawa Kotao
  • Ikka-Sanbo(One kind of material in three distinctive variations)19: Ball-headed onion : Okazaki Shinobu
  • To the Cities of the World 40 : South Bangkok Study Group Sawada Kou-you
  • A complete explanation of ‘Kadensho’, which is the quintessence of Sogetsu, Part 1
  • Teacher’s Workshop Theme: Using Paper in Ikebana
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