Ikebana Trial Lesson

COVID-19 SAFETY GUIDELINES updated March 13, 2023

The safety of our visitors and staff are still our priority.
Maintaining some health and safety protocols remains critical to provide a safe environment for visitors and staff of all ages, including those with compromised health and families with children who cannot be vaccinated.
Masks are recommended indoors for everyone. Hand sanitizer stations are available for your use throughout the building.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Ikebana trial lessons are open to everyone interested in trying their hand at ikebana.

If you wish to try ikebana or are interested in “giving yourself a boost” through Sogetsu ikebana, take this opportunity to enjoy the creative experience of flower arrangement and learning ikebana.

*Advance booking is essential at least five days (excluding weekends and national holidays) before your preferred date. The requested class may not be available as there is a limitation in the number of visitors in each class.



Submit your reservation form to us at least five days (excluding weekends and national holidays) before your preferred date. The requested class may not be available as there is a limitation in the number of visitors in each class.

The courses

For those who would like to try just once or are considering taking regular lessons after the class, the one-lesson trial is recommended.

*Advance booking is essential at least five days (excluding weekends and national holidays) before your preferred date. The requested class may not be available as there is a limitation in the number of visitors in each class.

※If you join regular lessons after taking a trial lesson, the finished curriculum will be counted as your credit(s).

※The trial lesson is meant for those who have no previous experience of  Sogetsu ikebana. If you have tried it already and wish to attend a class held at the Sogetsu Headquarters on a trial basis, click here and make a reservation of a regular lesson.

Time required for each lesson

90 to 120 minutes for making an arrangement, watching an instructor’s ikebana demonstration and getting advice from the instructor.

Venues and Dates

Trial lessons organized by Sogetsu Headquarters are held at Sogetsu Kaikan in Akasaka, Minato Ward in Tokyo and at Sogetsu WEST, one station from Kyoto station.
The trial lesson will be held within an existing class.
Choose the date and time you would like to participate from among the available dates listed on each class page, or contact our staff when you register.

Please note that we can not  provide full support to visitors since there are other regular students in the class and we might need to prioritize them.

Ikebana equipment is lent to visitors.


Sogetsu Kaikan (in Tokyo)

Venue: Sogetsu Kaikan
2-21, Akasaka 7-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8505

  • International Class
    Target: For non-Japanese speakers
    Every Monday except national holidays of 10:30 – 12:30
    The International Class is held in English.
    * There are regular students in the class we might need to prioritize them.
  • Iemoto Class
    Target: Anyone
    Tuesdays and Thursdays of the 1st to 3rd week of each month from 10:30, 14:00, 18:00.
    [Note] The Iemoto Class is given in Japanese, English speaking technical instructor would help visitors in the class.
    However he/she  could not  provide full support to visitors since there are other regular students in the class and we might need to prioritize them.
  • Men’s Exclusive Class
    Target: For men
    Fridays from 17:45 – 19:30
    The Men’s Exclusive Class is given in Japanese.

Sogetsu WEST

Venue: Sogetsu WEST
Hotel Emion 1F
20-4 Sujakudounokuchi-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto 600-8842

  • Iemoto Class
    Target: Anyone
    3 times a month Friday and Saturday 10:30 (Saturday only), 14:30, 18:30 (Friday only)

※The schedules are subject to change.

*Advance booking is essential at least five days (excluding weekends and national holidays) before your preferred date. The requested class may not be available as there is a limitation in the number of visitors in each class.

Tokyo: kyoshitsu@sogetsu.or.jp
Kyoto: west@sogetsu.or.jp

Contents of a trial lesson

  1. At the reception desk
    Come to the reception desk of the venue by the reservation time. After the registration procedure, participants will be guided by the staff to the classroom, where other regular students are also coming for the class.
  2. Start of the lesson
    In addition to the instructor, some technical instructors are available to support the participants. They will explain how to handle plant materials, ikebana scissors, and kenzan (needle pointed plant holder.
  3. Choose materials and container
    The participants choose the materials and container freely. Technical instructors can give advice, if necessary, in accordance with each participant’s preference.
  4. Make ikebana work
    The participants make their own ikebana works. Technical instructors will support participants carefully.
  5. Instructor’s ikebana demonstration
    After the participants make their own ikebana works, an ikebana demonstration is conducted by the instructor. The live performance may broaden the participants’ view on ikebana. Finally, the instructor gives comments and advice on the students’ finished works one by one.
  6. Going home with the materials
    After the class, the used materials can be taken home. Going over the lesson, try arranging them again! Thank you for coming.


The following are commonly asked questions before attending trial lessons.
Feel free to ask other questions, if any.

Question: How long will each lesson last?

Answer: For around 90 to 120 minutes.

Question: What will happen if I am not in time for the lesson?

Answer: The trial lesson begins when all reserved participants arrives at the classroom. Therefore, we would like you to arrive in time at the starting time (10:30, 14:00, or 18:00). Contact Course Administration Department if you are later than that.


Question: Is there anything to bring to the lesson?

Answer: Nothing in particular. All the necessary tools are in the classroom.

Question: Can the materials used in the class be taken home?

Answer: Yes, they can.

Question: How long does it usually take for a beginner to become a teacher?

Answer: It depends on each person, but there are cases in which beginners become teacher’s diploma holders in about three years.


*Advance booking is essential at least five days (excluding weekends and national holidays) before your preferred date. The requested class may not be available as there is a limitation in the number of visitors in each class.

Reservations can be made by e-mail, or Reservation Form below.

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