【Demonstration and Arrangements】Karachi Study Group
【Demonstration and Arrangements】Karachi Study Group
28 Oct 2022 [fri]
The Habitt Store was having a Japanese week in October and Karachi Sogetsu Study Group participated in a three day event.
The Consul General of Japan Mr ODAGIRI Toshio did the inauguration of the show.
The opening day Perin Mooraj gave a demo of her beautiful arrangements.
The three day event had different items for each day to attract more visitors.
They had Japanese food, live cooking and making of Sushi by professional chefs, making of Origami, display of Japanese dolls etc.
All the members made some beautiful flower arrangements. Large no# of visitors came to watch this lovely and well planned event.
Please view the arrangements by Tarannum Lakda, Perin Mooraj and Nuzhat Jamali.