Special Guest Ms. Misei Ishikawa, Master Instructor of Sogetsu Headquarters in Tokyo, was invited to Arizona by the Arizona Sonoran Desert Sogetsu Study Group (SDSSG) and Ikebana International Chapter 167 in honor of their 50th Anniversary.
Ms. Ishikawa’s visit began with a workshop for the SDSSG on IKEBANA BEAUTY WITH MITSUMATA on Sunday, January 8, 2023 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM at the Maricopa County Cooperative Extension, 4341 E. Broadway Road, Palo Verde Room Phoenix, AZ 85040.

Participants enjoyed the. demonstration and creating arrangements with the mitsumata and special colorful wires supplied by Ms. Ishikawa, assisted by Mrs. Carol Brecker, Chair of the SDSSG.

Ishikawa Sensei’s six table arrangements and an 8 x 15 foot driftwood and bamboo installation amazed and delighted guests.

Ishikawa Sensei with her finale arrangement of a fan shaped bamboo structure in driftwood sculptures with pine and camelia branches and hanging bamboo vases filled with lilies and baby’s breath.

During her visit Ishikawa Sensei was assisted by a team of teachers Ping Wei and Carol Brecker and Ms. Brecker’s students Rodney Hinton, Sarah Hinton, Janet Millard, and Yoko Ueda.
Mrs. Kika Shibata, Regional Director of Sogetsu for western U.S. attended as advisor.


Event information

08 Jan 2023 [sun] - 11 Jan 2023 [wed]
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