Sogetsu Zurich SG 30 year Jubilee
Sogetsu Zurich SG
Wettswil Switzerland
13 Nov 2021 [Sat]

On November 13th 2021, 21 members and 5 guests gathered in Wettswil to celebrate the 30 anniversary of Sogetsu Study Group Zurich. A presentation as well as a short movie about the history and the four iemotos of Sogetsu School was shown, provided by Sogetsu Headquarters. A slide show with pictures from various workshops and events over the past 30 years was then presented.
After lunch a Workshop took place: “Complementing an Art Work with Unconventional Material”. A colourful “Marimekko” card depicting an art work was chosen and everyone started creating an arrangement or sculpture, inspired by the art work. It was a very successful celebration of the 30 year anniversary of SSGZ, prepared by the chairperson Daniela Jost and her Committee, which all participants appeared to have really enjoyed.