Sogetsu  New Delhi Branch has hold a fascinating July Program:
“Signs of Life”


Ms. Ursula Altenbach showed some very innovative slides of the big installations she had done in the beautiful park in Gersau.

She made amazing Ikebana out in the garden with the trees and foliage as the backdrop.


Ms. Ursula Altenbach, from Zurich, Switzerland, will give an online demonstration.
Ursula is a distinguished Sogetsu Ikebanist and teacher who has brought out the technical and artistic sense in her students.
In 2020, she won Golden Moon Prize at the 9th Everyone’s Sogetsu Ikebana Exhibition on Facebook “Ikebana at Home!”

Ursula started learning ikebana in the 90’s in Denmark then Sao Paulo, and India. She has attended the HQ classes of Iemoto Akane Teshigahara, Master instructors of the HQ such as Koka Fukushima, Tetsunori Kawana, Reiko Takenaka.

Her activities expand in various fields and  she has recently curated large installations in the Park in Gersau, Switzerland. On 6 July, she will showcase some of these installations, some of which have been created by children aged one and a half years to 6 years and also by retired people aged 90 to 95 years!

Date: Tuesday, 6th July 2021

Event information

06 Jul 2021 [tue]
Veena Dass
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