【Online Exhibition 】
Ikebana for the Holidays and Beyond.
Seattle Branch, USA
27 Nov 2020 [fri] - 31 Dec 2020 [thu]

As we celebrate the holidays during these uncertain times, we can still find joy in our shared love of ikebana.
Although the Sogetsu Seattle Branch had to cancel its in-person ikebana exhibition this year, we decided to hold an online exhibition, “Ikebana for the Holidays and Beyond.”
The exhibition will be posted on our Branch website through December 31, 2020.
Currently there are more than 50 photos and short videos of ikebana created by Branch members. We are also posting videos of short demonstrations by Branch teachers.
We will be posting more exhibition photos periodically, and more teacher demonstration videos weekly, through mid-December.
We invite you to view the exhibition and demonstrations via this link: https://seattlesogetsu.wixsite.com/home/2020-virtual-annual-exhibition .
Please check back frequently to view new exhibition arrangement photos/videos and new teacher demonstration videos as they are posted.