【Exhibition and Demonstration】”AUTUMN” (part of Japanese week)
Zürich Study Group、Switzerland
16 Sep 2019 [mon] - 21 Sep 2019 [Sat]
Sogetsu Zurich Study Group held the exhibition and the demonstration under
the leadership of Maget Bloesch and Daniela Jost. (under patronage of Ikebana International Zurich Chapter 214)
This year, the theme was “AUTUMN” and the arrangements reflected specific lessons from the Sogetsu Curriculum. Ten members of SSGZ participated at this event with 20 arrangements and a RENKA.
On the final day a one hour demonstration was given by Lea Ruprecht and Ursula Altenbach with their assistants Mahoko Schürch and Hideko Membrez. The demonstration was a highlight which had variety in the presentation and also elements of surprise.
The room at our disposal had different backgrounds, red (painted), grey (painted), black (textile) and black and dried bamboo. The pedestals were of aluminium. There was also a TV screen mounted on the back wall, on which there was a digital display of Sogetsu works from previous Workshops.
It was fortunate for many of the participants that they had the opportunity to practice their exhibition arrangements at the September Workshop in Geroldswil, organized by Daniela Jost and Beatrice Oertle, the week before the exhibition.
At this workshop seven participants contributed to the Renka arrangement for the exhibition and their work was photographed for Maget to copy for the actual arrangement at the exhibition.
At the Bacher Garten-Center, Mr. B. Bacher also made a contribution to our Ikebana by erecting a “Torii” at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the venue.
The combined Renka was arranged by seven individuals, in seven bronze vases
placed on ornate wooden stands of varying sizes.
It was a busy and successful week for the Sogetsu participants. There was considerable interest shown by the public in the exhibited arrangements and in Ikebana in general. Hopefully many went away with a good impression and a heightened interest in, and wish to participate in Ikebana.