【Flower Festival 】”Sonne-Luna”
Concentus Study Group
19 Mar 2018 [mon] - 23 Mar 2018 [fri]
Concentus Study Group in Italy and Angelika Muehlbauer from Munich Branch were invited to
the Flower Festival in Merano. The event name was “Sonne Luna” (Sonne in German is sun,
Luna in Italian is moon) – the name is bilingual since Merano is in a bilingual area (Sudtyrol
or Alto Adige). During the festival, there were an exhibition by Concentus Study Group
members and Angelika Muehelbauer from Munich branch, a conference by Luca Ramacciotti,
a demostration by Concentus Study Group teachers together with Angelika Muehelbauer, and
a workshop for beginners.