02 Nov 2020
Thank you for your support to the【Project to Encourage the Flower Industry】

Ikebana Sogetsu was conducting a crowdfunding campaign as part of its “【Project to Encourage the Flower Industry】 Sogetsu Brightens up the World!” project.
As of October 30, 2020, we are no longer accepting support.
We have been able to reach our project goal by far.
Thank you very much for your support.
Artwork Display by Iemoto Akane Teshigahara
The target amount has been met and we will be able to display the Iemoto’s work.
Details will be announced as soon as they are determined, so please look forward to seeing them.
- Period:December 11th (Fri.) – December 16 (Wed), 2020
- Place:Sogetsu Plaza on the 1st floor of Sogetsu Kaikan
*We are planning to post photos of the work and videos of the production on our website and SNS.
About return
We are currently preparing the returns for our supporters.
We will send you an email confirming your return.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Cultural Projects Department,
Sogetsu Foundation
Tel: 03-3408-1156
E-mail: kikaku@sogetsu.or.jp