01 Aug 2019
Miyagi Branch Exhibition "Flower Corridor" (Iemoto exhibited her work)

The Miyagi Branch Exhibition, "The Flower Corridor" was held at the Sendai Mediatheque from Friday, June 7th to Wednesday, June 12th, 2019, with the Iemoto presenting her work.
Photo: Iemoto's huge work using bamboo, Japanese cornel, Enkianthus perulatus, Kousa, purple-leaf cherry plums, maple, Japanese snowbells and foxtail lilies.
Outline of the Exhibition
Date: June 7 (Fri) to 12 (Wed), 2019
Opening hours: 10:00am – 6:00pm
*7th from 1:00pm.
*Closed at 4:00pm on 9th, 4:30pm on 12th.
*30 minutes before admission
Venue: Sendai Mediatheque
Address: 2-1 Kasugacho, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi
Admission: 800yen
Ikebana Art from Sendai
The Miyagi Branch Exhibition took place at the Mediatheque in Sendai, known as a central place for art, featuring Iemoto’s work.
True to its theme, “The Flower Corridor,” the entrance area was gorgeously decorated with group works by seven member groups. The exhibition was well designed to welcome the visitors in an entertaining way.
As many as 135 creative individual works awaited the visitors walking through the corridor.
The Iemoto created an immense work of more than 10 meters wide making the most of the ceiling height and breadth. Viewers could feel a delicate early summer breeze in the dynamic composition.
There was a section titled “My first try, My first ikebana — Ikebana Exhibition by men from different fields.” Sculptor, photographer, dance instructor, chef and other men, playing an active role in different areas, tried arranging ikebana for the first time. Their creative works added a perfect spice to the venue.