Starting in 2024, the "Sogetsu Exhibition Award" will be renamed the "Sogetsu Excellence Award" and is now accessible to all STA members (individual and private groups) in Japan as well as overseas, on an entry system!
Entries submitted for the Sogetsu Excellence Award will be evaluated for various honors, such as the Excellent Work Award, the Excellent Activity Award, the Excellent Project Award, based on the content of each entry. All applications will be selected by the Iemoto.
So please feel free to share your daily activities and works of art with everyone!
We are looking forward to receiving many entries!

About the "Sogetsu Excellence Award"

After every awards are chosen, the Sogetsu Outstanding Award will be picked from these chosen recipients.


  1. The Sogetsu Headquarters will post the event(activity) and the photos (video) submitted on the special Instagram site open to public. On Instagram, viewers can post ‘likes’ and supportive messages.
  2. After the submission is closed in December 2024, the judging will take place by the Iemoto.
  3. The award ceremony for the winners will be held on ‘Flower Thanks Day’ in March 2025.

*The event(activity) held by the official branch will be excluded from this awards. (Activities of official branches are eligible for the Excellent Branch award). Please be mindful of the applicant’s name when applying.

Please note the following points:

  • Please submit up to 10 photos, or video(s), or DM data per entry for posting on Instagram and later for judging. If you send more than 10 items, we will ask you to prioritize which ones should be posted.
  • Due to data size and other technical factors, we may need to contact you if any photos or videos cannot be uploaded.
  • Please be aware that images will automatically be adjusted to a square ratio when posted on Instagram.
  • It may take some time before your entry is posted.


The STA members (the 2024 due fully paid), including their individual and private groups

Coverage Period

Event or Activities carried out between 1 January and December 2024

Submission closed

by December 2024.

How to apply

Send the Application Form and the photos (minimum 10) or video of the event to the overseas affairs department (Email:

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